this is where i share things which encourage me, things that i learn that strengthened me, ups and downs as He holds my hand. God-follower who loves Him, floorball, captainball, a lil futsal, company, friends, people, crazy stuff, outdoorer
Hey, happy birthday man. God bless ya in everything u do for Him. Continue to be the blur joker you naturally are haha. Thanks for being a great friend, and a bro =). Oh well, thanks for being around when i neede ya. Hope u enjoyed your day even without me hahaha
No Jethro and cleaner(whoever u are), I'm not planning to close the blog just yet hahaha.. i'm just busy, and very lazy. Anyway, just want to share what I learnt from camp. I discovered that I need to do nothing to be able to draw closer to Him. Nothing but just enjoy His presence and listen. I need a break to stop and stare. I need to be like one republic, haha.Anyway, I hope my break will build me up, not tear me down. And after I'm done, when He reminds me of the "dream" he gave me, i'll be part of an awesome work.
having lots of questions. Need to learn to be content with what i have. But you know, it seems so hard when you do the right thing and everything goes wrong or everything isn't what u wanted or expected to be? I don't know what holds along the path that God directs me, I can only learn to trust, trust and trust. For now when everything seems so depressing, trust! Probably i should let everything be the way God wants it to be =)...still hungry, still glowing, still searching
That day in CF, they showed a video about a message given by Louie Giglio. You can watch it here. Anyway video is entitled "indescribable". It shows the amazing planets, milkyways, stars, and other beautiful sceneries of space. Come to think of it after listening and watching that video, i felt very very small. This was because I am very very very small. SO ARE YOU!! WEll why do i say that? Go find out yourself by watching the full video.
I promise you that if u spend 40 minutes watching this video, your vision of life will change. Some of you may breakdown, some may change 180 degrees. This will apply to Christians and non-Christians too. You have my word that this is a video not to be missed out.
Anyway, Louie Giglio and the Passion team will be coming to Malaysia. I'm so sorry for those who missed the tickets cause it'll be great!! =)
Date : 26th July 2008 Time : 8.30 onwards Venue : Real Sports Arena Team :Klang Jaya Gospel Hall =)
just look at that girl posing, trying to act cute..haih, girls nowadays hahaha the team. from upper left side : mima, duck?(hahah), joel, calvin, nona, amanda from bottom left : angelina, joanne, ken wee, macho =), sarah, yvonne, lilian i have no idea what i'm doing in those 2 photos
last but definitely not least, gambar yang penuh dengan gaya..up is ken wee or is it kean wee?sry lol anyway nice playing with u dude
thank God that the message of the good news was shared to everyone. I just hope and pray that they'll one day make the decision to submit their lives to the true God!! =)
well, even though we lost 3 games and won only 1, we had fun..didn't we? =] thanks everyone for making it a day to remember
yessss a post alast!! haha..first lemme explain why i haven't been updating for so long
1). college has been busy 2). internet connection has been terrible in Taman Bunga Raya (the place i'm staying during week days) 3). i'm just plain LAZY hahaha
so anyway, i started college in TARC on the 20th of May. First few weeks was okay, quite relaxing though, but thn about the 3rd or 4th week i started panicking because i realized i have loads of assignments to hand in very very soon. So i started wroking like a crazy person, staying up till 3-4 everyday for a week to complete the assignments. No thanks to my group mate who was a sleeping partner (which made things worse for me). Test coming this week and the following week and i stil haven't started studying at all..wheee!! :D...dunno whats wrong with me haha
Currently staying at a Chrsitian house named Charis which is just 3 mins from college. Surprisingly i'm always late for classes eventhough its so near. Probably its the "so near i can sure make it" thought. Anyway i'm staying with 6 other souls whom are all good people (pictures on next post). Its just nice to live with happening great fun people eh? =D
Took football as co curriculum activity, joined English Language Society(which i've never attended once also). Active and addicted to floorball =]. Joining the TARC CF, Emmanuel EFC's College CG (some of u mmight be wondering why it sounds so familiar. Well thats because its miss sue ann's church). Met a cool bunch of fellows, my groupmates, becoming real good friends.
yea finally an date, dun worry more will come k =)..anyway my church (Klang Jaya Gospel Hall) will be having a Teen Scene Fest on the 14th of June 2008 at 7.30 pm
what to expect? : t-shirts, time of fun, drama, songs, worship, 2 FREE IPOD SHUFFLES TO BEWON!!. How? just bring a friend (guy/girl) to TS fest that looks like u and win the look alike contest. Obviously the 2 winners will win the 2 iPOD shuffles.Simple eh? SO come come come!!
So once again, venue : Klang Jaya Gospel Hall
time : 7.30pm
call Joanne at 0163248059
Kelsern at 0166952416
Colin.G at 0166846069
if you need transportation, don't be shy, don't trouble your parents. Just call us and we'll pick you up =)
oh, if you don't know the place, please call us and we'll direct you there, actually theres a map behind the flier but i din get a soft copy of it, so please call alright? thanks
rotting life is gonna be over, i'm so glad i finally have something to do =)..well this post is to thank God for some things that i can think of..u know, sometimes u seem to just ask and ask and ask but never take time to thank?so here goes
I thank God for nice weather I thank God for a brand new day I thank God for another breath to fill my lungs I thank God for bringing dad back for good =) I thank God for healing my herpes disease (not fully healed but its almost there) I thank God for a home to stay when i start college I thank God for good friends that've been beside me through my down-est moments I thank God for giving me strength to let go of some really good true friends, it was hard I thank God for always forgiving me, giving me uncountable chances I thank God for His many ways of disciplining me, hard times and good times and not so hard times I thank God for being there whenever i need Him I thank God for *censored* and *censored* and more *censored* stuff
in the midst of everything, when life comes crashing down, stop and count your blessings one by one ^^...random pic, taking yellow pages literally
picture of my left hand about 2 weeks ago..hope i'll spoil ur appetite =P
recently my church had talks by mr. Tan Soo Inn. One of the topics was the mechanics of forgiveness. Well during the talk i was thinking to myself, "hey, i already know how to forgive as i have done it so many times in my life, and i wasn't angry with anyone anymore who wounded me. So nevermind lah this talk, i'll just sit down and listen".Well recently i was quite down because someone hurt me quite bad. And everytime i come to God at night, i feel something holding me back. The reason being i have not forgiven that person yet. So i looked trough the notes of mr. Soo Inn, pretty intersting and true.
In 1 point he said that forgiveness is not: a) forgetting b)reconciliation c)excusing d)letting go the demands of the law e)retaining old ways of relating
and the rest of the points goes as follow: 1)forgiveness begins with our coming to terms with our woundedness 2)it involved seeing the person who hurt us through Jesus' eyes 3)then we need to see ourselves as God sees us 4)Finally we need to release those who have hurt us from the prisons of our hearts 5)in doing so we find healing for ourselves =)
yes i have finally forgiven that person, when i think of what that someone has done to me, i'm not angry anymore ^^. See how God works? So people, don't take anything God puts u in lightly. It might not be useful at the present time, but in time to come it'll surely be.
on a different note, went for 2nd driving yest..woohoo!! and i tell u wei, i drove up to 95km on the highway. Syok gila!! hahah. The best thing was the instructor was saying "oh pergilah laju, i suka laju"..wahaha. Learnt 3-point turn and the bukit thingy. Too bad today they said it was raining so i had to cancel my class.
Name 5 people you can think at the top of your head
3)Fish ranger(wei shern)
Don't read the questions underneath until you write the names of all 5 people. This is a lot funnier if you actually randomly list the names first...NO CHEATING!DON'T LOOK AHEAD UNLESS YOU FILLED UPTHE TOP!
1. HOW DID YOU MEET 1 (colin)? umm..i cant really remember. i've known him since very long ago
2. On a scale of 1 -10 how would u rate your friendship with 1 (colin) ? hahaha 9.5?he's my beloved man! =]
3. How long have you known 4 (Mabel)? Hmm met her in rbs on 26th Dec, you calculate the days lah
4. How do you know number 3 (wei shernl)? i met him while my mom was looking for fishes, hahaha. nah i met him when i was very young, probably when i was 3-5, cant remember
5. Wheres 5(sarah)? shah alam
6. A fact about number 1 (colin) ? he's blur lol. he's a very great guy =)
7. Who is 4(mabel) going out with? haha i think she's single but she lives with BGR (big giant and round), her fake but real dog
8. What does 1(colin) do for a living? studying in taylors
9. Would you live with number 3 (weishernl)? i'll kill myself..hahah xD
10. What do you like about number 2(joanne) ? oh okay...this is a hard question. hahaha!! she's bubbly, fun, a very good friend, and a very good secret keeper ^^
11. Do you miss number 5(sarah) ? yes of course, and everyone else =)
12. What’s your opinion of number 2(joanne) ? weird, mata sepet
13. What's your favorite memory with number 5(sarah) ? lol
14. What would you do if number 1 and 2 were going out(colin and joanne)? they'll both get murdered by people from the same place hahaha =)))))
15. Ever had a long conversation with 5(sarah) ? yeap
16. Have you ever slept at 2's house(joanne)? she din invite me =[
17. Do you hang out with 3 a lot(weishern)? not as much as last time
18. Who have you known the longest? between colin and weishern, i dunno!
19. How often do you talk to 1(colin) ? quite often
20. What about 2(joanne) ? everyday
21. Have you ever thought 3 more than a friend(weishern)? hahahah sounds so weird but ya (no its nothing to do with gay issue)
22. Would you go out for a date with 5( sarah)? ask me out! ask me out!..hahaha
23. Do you dream about 2(joanne) ? yeap, NIGHTMARES!!! hahaha
24. What did no 4 did to you that you can never forget(mabel)? the little gift from evangel =)..thank you so much!
Been spiritually and physically down these few days. i've made mistakes, really silly mistakes. I could only ask for forgiveness and try my best to pull myself up again. I know i should, but believe me, its not easy. Not at all. If you were in my shoes then you would understand why. Right now i just want to sit longer with my Father in Heaven, i want to really listen to Him, i want to hear every word He has to say, I'm dying for answers, i'm longing for strength to keep going on.
Yes i know God can change people when they fall, when they fail. haih..guess letting go and letting God should be the way. HELP!
physically hurt because i'm suffering from herpes. As far as i know, its a virus that stays in the body after chicken pox. It attacks when your immune system is down. Haven't been sleeping well last week, thats y i think i got it. its NOT STD!! haha..dun simply think like britannia.
It spreaded all over my left hand including 2 fingers now, nope not gonna show u'll a picture of it, its seriously very bad and ugly. Cant hold fork now, cant sleep properly. Eventhough not applying pressure it still hurts. Getting worse by the day. Today its starting to itch in several places. Please, need your prayers. Thanks.
Took driving lesson today, mati engine like 10 times..haha, yea laugh all u want, your time will come or u already experienced it =P
okay i decided to ignore that i was tagged by mabel and decided to do was so long ago
Real name: Kelsern Nickname: kelso, serny, sern, ke sern, bunny, energizer, shorty, stunted, Triple H (haha), lamer and some which you guys know and i won't reveal (theres really a lot) =) Married: yeaps Male/Female: male High school: acs klang forever! Short or long hair: not too long Are you a health freak: umm not really, no Height: last time I measured-170cm Do you have a crush on someone?: you bet =) Do you like yourself?: yes Piercings: belly button (no i'm joking) Righty or lefty: do i have a right and left belly button?hahah
[First ..] Surgery: nope Piercing: nope Person you see in the morning: myself in the mirror Award: cant remember..real young Sport you joined: badminton too!! xD Pet: Hamster (kayaball was mine, snowball was my brother's) Vacation: africa Concert: Planet shakers First crush: in africa, when i was 7 or 8
[Currently...] Eating: nothing Drinking: juice recently I'm about to: sleep Want to get married: at first no..but then, =)) i dunno.. Careers in mind: psychologist, deejay, tourist Lips or eyes?: eyes Hugs or kisses?: hugs..i love hugs much more than kisses..probably because i haven't kissed anyone yet, but still i will always prefer hugs i think Shorter or taller?: same height, a little taller i dun mind, a little shorter i dun mind..does it really matter?=] Romantic or spontaneous?: hmm.. Sensitive or loud?: loud, not sensitive..i've learnt in the past not to be sensitive Troublemaker or hesitant?: troublemaker
[Have you ever...] Kissed a stranger: nope Drank bubbles: yup..when i was taste bitter obviously Lost glasses/contacts: nope Ran away from home: nope Liked someone younger: yesh Liked someone older: yesh..but it was just a stupid crush..was never serious about it Broke someone's heart: i really don't know..i think i might've Been arrested: nope Cried when someone died: yea
[Do you believe in...] Yourself: yeah Miracles: of course Heaven: definitely Santa Claus: nonsence Magic: yes Angels: woohoo! Is there someone you want to be with right now?: hahas =] God?: u kidding me? i live for Him!
hands currently feel like just falling off..did so much typing..most of the things you do on the comp is typing..and plus the articles that i'm typing..makes it quadruple the pain in my left foot still aches when i bend it in certain directions, advised to go urut cause its been there for more than a first i thought there was something broken in there..anyway God for the amazing and surprising things He did through me last week..cant post about it, it might be personal..thats it
this is the first article i typed for the bethany bugle 100th issue. Yeap, i'm helping to type out lots of articles for my church's 100th booklet, this issue is very special cause..its the 100th issue lah..haha..anyway, take time to read this article. Was really touched by it. Don't let the length scare you, just read it cause i promise it'll be of good use to you. By the way the article was written by Mr.William Doraisamy.
Do you know that the fruit mangosteen is known as ‘garcinia mangostana’ in Latin? It is also known as ‘mangook’ in the Thai language, ‘san jook’ in Cantonese and ‘mangostina’ in Spanish. You may also be interested to know that it is the facourite fruit of the ‘orang utan’ and many of you!
The mangosteen tree takes more than ten years before it starts to fruit. I did not know this until recently when the tree I planted behind my house started to fruit. It was truly exciting when I peeped out through the shutters of my dining room and saw, for the first time, little berry-shaped fruits hiding between the leaves. I rushed and shouted with excitement that the tree had finally borne fruit. Painstakingly I counted and there were more than a hundred of them.
This reminded me of my childhood days when mangosteens were aplenty and grew almost everywhere. It was then that I learnt something many people do not know even today. On top of the fruit is a brown flower-shaped protrusion. The number of petals of this ‘flower’ indicate the number of pulps inside the fruit. If there are five petals, then the fruit has five pulps. We used to look for fruits with four and eight petals because these are rare.
Isn’t it interesting that what is outside the fruit indicates what is inside it? This often shows what we are like too. Our countenance displays quite clearly what we are inside.
When Moses came down from Mount Sinai, after receiving the two tablets of the ten commandments from God, his face was radiant because he had spoken with God. (Exodus 34:29) . He did not realize this but his presence with God had done something in his heart and mind that expressed itself on his face. There are some important lessons that we learn from this as we consider our place in the church.
The Christian who has truly communicated with God in prayer will show a difference in his or her countenance. There will be the expression of joy after being in the presence of the almighty and holy God. This is because only a few have this privilege of entering boldly into the presence of God. Jesus, through the shedding of His precious blood, has cleansed us, sanctified us and justified us to enter into the courts of God. When we come out of the courts of God, our minds should feel refreshed and our spirits as a family. The effectiveness of any worship meeting is seen in the conversation we engage in immediately after the meeting. What do we talk about? How do we look? Sometimes of course, it is possible that we rise after the worship meeting bleary-eyed because the speaker has more or less led us into a peaceful slumber. How many people wish they could sleep with their eyes open when the speaker is speaking so that no one would notice that they are in dreamland!
Our faces should also show our confidence in God. Moses had to cover his face with a cloth because it shone so brightly. But that did not deter him from telling the people what the Lord had commanded. The glow on his face indicated the confidence and the courage he had in his heart. He was able to face a rebellious nation and command them to obey God. After we have met with God, we should have the confidence to face all life’s challenges. We should be able to stand in the midst of turmoil and display peace and stability. People who see us should realize that God is with us and there is no need for us to look despondent or discouraged.
Our faces should also show that the cares of the world, the disappointments and failures in life do not affect our standing with God and our participation in the service of God. These ‘drawbacks’ are part and parcel of life. Sometimes we are disappointed with people. Sometimes leaders may not be what we expect them to be. Sometimes people we lead may fall out of line. A sullen face or a face that shows dramatic mood changes is an indication that we cannot trust God to fulfill His will in and through us. It is an indication that we doubt God’s ability to bring us out seemingly difficult situations. We must believe that with God, nothing is impossible. The vilest sinner can be made whole. The heaviest burden can be made light. The deepest and darkest valley of despair can open up in the light of God’s glory. So, why should we feel discouraged? Why should our faces show that there is no hope?
In extreme conditions, the Christian shows the rare gift of inward strength and peace. Are we like the mangosteens which have the four or eight petals? Are we that rare breed of people who have the power of God within and unconsciously, like Moses, display it? Whatever we have, our faces certainly show it
this happened a long long time ago..but still it was fun and exciting..after captainball one friday, we went for lunch at the ever-so-famous loh mee shop. After that, Mary-Ruth, Melanie, Alex, Alexis (alex punya sister so its alex sis which eventually became alexis), Wei Shern, me went around in melanie's car to alex's house and mary-ruth's house..
at alex and alexis house,
dog number 1 dog number 2 and alexis dog number 2 with alexis again blah
there was another dog which is black. by now u should notice i forgot all their names..well, next stop, mary-ruths!!
for some of you that saw my dog's puppies last time, they look exactly like joke..seriously exactly..i miss them, especially the one which had a spot on its head =(..they were all outside mary-ruth's house..stray dog pups then there was a kitten..scary looking, i always prefer dogs more than cats. there was also a hamster which had just given birth to a few babies which i took the picture of but it was super blur deja-voo? yes i failed...
and then i passed =)..okay thats all for now. and oh yea, my emo results is..
You may not cry all the time, or insist on black nail polish, but you still aren't fooling anyone. Even if you try to keep your emo tendencies under control, your studded belt buckle is still showing, and we're pretty sure we saw you doodling black hearts the other day.
Go ahead and deny it all you want, but it's pretty obvious. You have a heart and a sensitive side, and you put them both to good use. Maybe you don't look on the bright side quite often enough, though. Try to embrace the good things in life a little more — you'll see that the glass is actually half full!
This song is a song that suits me very well now i think. By Nidji, hapus aku...
Kutuliskan kesedihan Semua tak bisa kau ungkapkan Dan kita kan bicara dengan hatiku
Buang semua puisi Antara kita berdua Kau bunuh dia sesuatu Yang kusebut itu cinta
Chorus: Yakinkan aku Tuhan Dia bukan milikku Biarkan waktu waktu Hapus aku
Sadarkan aku Tuhan Dia bukan milikku Biarkan waktu waktu Hapus aku
That day went to see Colbie at the Curve. She said something like this before singing realize, "This is a song when you have feelings for another person but that person doesn't seem to know how you feel". So, i'm dedicating this song to you. If you just realize...
Take time to realize, That your warmth is Crashing down on in. Take time to realize, That I am on your side Didn't I, Didn't I tell you.
But I can't spell it out for you, No it's never gonna be that simple No I cant spell it out for you
If you just realize what I just realized, Then we'd be perfect for each other and will never find another Just realized what I just realized we'd never have to wonder if we missed out on each other now.
Take time to realize Oh-oh I'm on your side didn't I, didn't I tell you. Take time to realize This all can pass you by Didn't I tell you
But I can't spell it out for you, no it's never gonna be that simple no I can't spell it out for you.
If you just realized what I just realized then we'd be perfect for each other then we'd never find another Just realized what I just realized we'd never have to wonder if we missed out on each other now.
It's not always the same no it's never the same if you don't feel it too. If you meet me half way If you would meet me half way. It could be the same for you.
If you just realize what I just realized then we'd be perfect for each other then we'd never find another Just realize what I just realized we'd never have to wonder Just realize what I just realized
If you just realize what I just realized
missed out on each other now missed out on each other now
was doing my devotion again and i practice the habit of underlining certain verses which impacts me or which i feel i can relate to in my current life. so as i was reading 1Timothy 1, i came across to verses 3-4..
As i urged you when I went into Macedonia, stay there in Ephesus so that you may command certain men not to teach false doctrines any longer nor to devote themselves to myths and endless genealogies. These promote controversies rather than God's work-which is by faith
1 Timothy 1:3-5 (NIV)
so as i said, i underlined verse 4b and when it came to the part which says "which is by faith", my pen didn't "lean" on my bookmark and it slipped and there was a small mark which cut some words.
So i was thinking and praying that God would reveal to me something. Then i realized that pens and bookmarks should rely on each other so that they can get a job well done. Without the pen there is no ink, without the bookmark there isn't any support and the pen won't be able to draw a straight line. So, not all of us are pens, not all of us are bookmarks. We are ONE body with many parts working for ONE head.
So where does the finger come in? Just imagine if theres a pen and a bookmark, but there isn't anything pressing on the bookmark. I'm sure you'll know what would happen if you try to draw a line like that. Well, the finger represents God, the source of our strength. We have to constantly have faith in God to do His work which is why it is said "God's work - which is by faith".If you don't have faith in God, how is He going to work through you?
I read this in Max Lucado's 'A Gentle Thunder' - Identify the problem (You'll half-solve it) - Present it to Jesus (He's happy to help) - Do what he says (No matter how crazy)
And remember that all of us are instruments of God and for God. When something great is done, give all glory back to God. Remember, when someone writes a masterpiece, nobody gives applause to a pen or a bookmark. It is God that deserves all glory =)
haha yes yes its your birthday, wait i mean it was your birthday. sorry yea i'm 2 hours late but nvm its the thought that counts right? ;) its been nice knowing you, really glad to have met you in rbs..continue to be who you are!! anyway,
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! yeap, hope you had a blessed and blastful time yesterday. May God continue to bless you and may you continue to be a shinning beacon Christ wherever you may go =). Keep up that walk with Him ok? Take care and God bless. Oh yea, happy working!! xD
yeap thats rite..miss colbie caillat, such a young beauty with a sweet voice =). just enjoying her songs, its just so super nice, relaxing, catchy and simply lovely..i'm gonna get her albumn soon i dun care..currently loving "oxygen", "the little things", "midnight bottle" and of course, "realize".
that day i pulled out the case, wiped the dust and took out for the first time in about 3 dearest violin. Yes i don't know why i did that, guess it was just a feeling of holding it again and playing it. So i tuned it, put on the shoulder rest, wiped rosin on my bow (its the stick btw). Stood up and started playing freely.
After playing a few tuneless notes, i searched for some old files for dusty scores that i was once able to play. So after flipping through page after page and stopping every now and then, i realized i've badly touch. Yea i felt like a dumb dumb, so i think i'm gonna change that dumb feeling. I think i'm gonna start playing again, i mean why waste God given talents? its like planting gold in the backyard.
oh well..heres the instrument
just remember that you yourselves are instruments to God. Play your best, let Him use you, go where He wants you to go for His thoughts are greater than ours, His understanding is vast beyond what we can imagine =)
for me they come and go just like leaves of Autumn snapped with a twitch of a finger goes as the wind blows slowly swaying, they fall to the bottom never again to see them ever
and i wait, keep waiting for a fresh leaf that never yellows for fulfillment never felt for attributes of a marvelous painting for satisfaction so shallow for my heart to ever melt
but they come and go just like seasons flow not another word, not another smile all will fail, quick or slow but someone i know will ever go the extra mile =)
You, You never let me down You never let me go You cling on to me that i feel so wanted You hate to see me frown But its so for me to grow o Jesus, to know true love freely granted
so to all emo people, God loves you no matter what. I know theres still an emptiness inside, i feel it too. An emptiness only someone in flesh can fill? I thought about that. But i tend to think that i haven't discovered His true love yet, His overwhelming love, the fullness of His love which could drain the oceans with ink dry and fill the skies with writings just to proclaim His love. i want to go on this adventure. It'll be a neverending story, full of surprises. Care to join me? Anyway..
happy belated valentines people! =)
although i couldn't stand it, i got over it, hooray!! cheers..
that day as i was reading the Bible waiting for a verse to jump out and slap me, i came across Colossians 2:6-7
so then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in Him, rooted and built up in Him, strengthened in the faith you were taught, and overflowing with thanksfulness
Colossians 2:6-7 (NIV)
hmm..being rooted and built up, to live IN Christ, strengthened in the faith, overflowing with thankfulness. well as i was meditating on this verses, i got bored and started messing with my nose. then i started pulling out my nostril hair..hahaha yea its gross but continue to read. so i realised that if you pull it out, you'll feel pain.
so then it came to me, if we are the hair, God is the nose then the finger must be temptation. we get pulled out by temptation into sin because we let go, we are not rooted firmly in Christ, in God. when we get pulled by temptation into sin, we make a choice to hurt God, we break His heart. just like whenever you pull nostril hair your nose feels pain, so God feels pain whenever you let temptation pull you into doing something He hates so much, sin. thats how this verse spoke to me. whenever you get pulled by temptation into sin, its not over. our God is a loving God that is so..loving..He will forgive if we confess our sins and repent. amazing love =). but don't use this freedom as a credit card. dear readers, please read Galatians 5:13
anyway it also speak of being rooted in Christ and not letting any hollow and deceptive philosophy which depends on human tradition and basic principles of this world take you captive which is stated in the next verse..Colossians 2:8 which is related to Ephesians 4:14
so here ends the mystery of the nostril hair. hope this verse will touch you one way or another =)
yup..i'm seriously missing you guys, room 10. i'm so gonna miss the fun times we had together, all the sharing, and the farting..haha..well, here they are
from left : ben yue, me, khai jye(this is what i get almost every other morning) from left : me, khai jye and his big toe XD, ben yue besides them, i'm also missing my mission team, team GLASGOW!!. well seriously, i don't think i'll work together better with any other group than this group =). thanks for everything guys, will always keep you guys in my prayers. top left : evelyn, jason chin, ben, me, jason chiew bottom left : ei leen, mun foong
last but not least, i'll miss all of you at rbs!! thanks for making it a fun learning experience for me. thanks for teaching me so many things through your sharings and ...your acts of stupidity at times
yea i know this post is a little late..well its been about 5 days since i returned from RBS(residential bible school) where i spent my last 5 weeks and 2 days. 4 weeks in HCC, Camerons and the rest in our mission places and PJGH. Overall it was a truly great experience for me. Not only did i meet new friends and fellow lamers, fellow emo-ers. Hahah, but i also mended the relationship between me and God. All this while He was right beside me in times of joy and sadness. Sadly we only tend to come to Him when theres no other resort. RBS made me respond fully to His stubborn love. And now i want to serve Him wholeheartedly in everything i do as if i was doing it for Christ not men, Ephesians 6:7. Yes, wholeheartedly. Its not gonna be easy but i will be guided from above. He's changing me little by little everyday.
STUBBORN LOVE caught again, your faithless friend don't you ever tire of hearing What a fool I've been guess I should pray what can I say Oh, it hurts to know the hundred times I've caused you pain 'Forgive me' sounds so empty when I never change Yet you stay and say 'i love you still' forgiving me time and time again
Chorus: It's your stubborn love that never lets go of me I don't understand how you can stay Perfect love, embracing the worst in me How I long for your stubborn love
Funny me, just couldn't see, even long before I knew you, you were loving me Sometimes I cry, you must cry too, when you see the broken promises I made to you, I keep saying that I'll tryst you, though I seldom do, yet you stay and say you love me still knowing someday I'll be like you
It's your stubborn love that never lets go of me I don't understand how you stay Perfect love, embracing the worst in me and you'll never let me go I believe I finally know, I can't live without, your stubborn love.
funny how this song almost made me cry. It was like this song was written from my heart to be sung by my soul to God. This song touched me a lot and i hope it touches you too..