Monday, April 7, 2008

tag tag

okay i decided to ignore that i was tagged by mabel and decided to do was so long ago

Real name: Kelsern
Nickname: kelso, serny, sern, ke sern, bunny, energizer, shorty, stunted, Triple H (haha), lamer and some which you guys know and i won't reveal (theres really a lot) =)
Married: yeaps
Male/Female: male
High school: acs klang forever!
Short or long hair: not too long
Are you a health freak: umm not really, no
Height: last time I measured-170cm
Do you have a crush on someone?: you bet =)
Do you like yourself?: yes
Piercings: belly button (no i'm joking)
Righty or lefty: do i have a right and left belly button?hahah

[First ..]
Surgery: nope
Piercing: nope
Person you see in the morning: myself in the mirror
Award: cant remember..real young
Sport you joined: badminton too!! xD
Pet: Hamster (kayaball was mine, snowball was my brother's)
Vacation: africa
Concert: Planet shakers
First crush: in africa, when i was 7 or 8

Eating: nothing
Drinking: juice recently
I'm about to: sleep
Want to get married: at first no..but then, =)) i dunno..
Careers in mind: psychologist, deejay, tourist
Lips or eyes?: eyes
Hugs or kisses?: hugs..i love hugs much more than kisses..probably because i haven't kissed anyone yet, but still i will always prefer hugs i think
Shorter or taller?: same height, a little taller i dun mind, a little shorter i dun mind..does it really matter?=]
Romantic or spontaneous?: hmm..
Sensitive or loud?: loud, not sensitive..i've learnt in the past not to be sensitive
Troublemaker or hesitant?: troublemaker

[Have you ever...]
Kissed a stranger: nope
Drank bubbles: yup..when i was taste bitter obviously
Lost glasses/contacts: nope
Ran away from home: nope
Liked someone younger: yesh
Liked someone older: yesh..but it was just a stupid crush..was never serious about it
Broke someone's heart: i really don't know..i think i might've
Been arrested: nope
Cried when someone died: yea

[Do you believe in...]
Yourself: yeah
Miracles: of course
Heaven: definitely
Santa Claus: nonsence
Magic: yes
Angels: woohoo!
Is there someone you want to be with right now?: hahas =]
God?: u kidding me? i live for Him!

hands currently feel like just falling off..did so much typing..most of the things you do on the comp is typing..and plus the articles that i'm typing..makes it quadruple the pain in my left foot still aches when i bend it in certain directions, advised to go urut cause its been there for more than a first i thought there was something broken in there..anyway God for the amazing and surprising things He did through me last week..cant post about it, it might be personal..thats it

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