Monday, April 28, 2008

Forgiveness, driving, tags, song

recently my church had talks by mr. Tan Soo Inn. One of the topics was the mechanics of forgiveness. Well during the talk i was thinking to myself, "hey, i already know how to forgive as i have done it so many times in my life, and i wasn't angry with anyone anymore who wounded me. So nevermind lah this talk, i'll just sit down and listen".Well recently i was quite down because someone hurt me quite bad. And everytime i come to God at night, i feel something holding me back. The reason being i have not forgiven that person yet. So i looked trough the notes of mr. Soo Inn, pretty intersting and true.

In 1 point he said that forgiveness is not:
a) forgetting
d)letting go the demands of the law
e)retaining old ways of relating

and the rest of the points goes as follow:
1)forgiveness begins with our coming to terms with our woundedness
2)it involved seeing the person who hurt us through Jesus' eyes
3)then we need to see ourselves as God sees us
4)Finally we need to release those who have hurt us from the prisons of our hearts
5)in doing so we find healing for ourselves =)

yes i have finally forgiven that person, when i think of what that someone has done to me, i'm not angry anymore ^^. See how God works? So people, don't take anything God puts u in lightly. It might not be useful at the present time, but in time to come it'll surely be.

on a different note, went for 2nd driving yest..woohoo!! and i tell u wei, i drove up to 95km on the highway. Syok gila!! hahah. The best thing was the instructor was saying "oh pergilah laju, i suka laju"..wahaha. Learnt 3-point turn and the bukit thingy. Too bad today they said it was raining so i had to cancel my class.

Name 5 people you can think at the top of your head



3)Fish ranger(wei shern)



Don't read the questions underneath until you write the names of all 5 people. This is a lot funnier if you actually randomly list the names first...NO CHEATING!DON'T LOOK AHEAD UNLESS YOU FILLED UPTHE TOP!

1. HOW DID YOU MEET 1 (colin)?
umm..i cant really remember. i've known him since very long ago

2. On a scale of 1 -10 how would u rate your friendship with 1 (colin) ?
hahaha 9.5?he's my beloved man! =]

3. How long have you known 4 (Mabel)?
Hmm met her in rbs on 26th Dec, you calculate the days lah

4. How do you know number 3 (wei shernl)?
i met him while my mom was looking for fishes, hahaha. nah i met him when i was very young, probably when i was 3-5, cant remember

5. Wheres 5(sarah)?
shah alam

6. A fact about number 1 (colin) ?
he's blur lol. he's a very great guy =)

7. Who is 4(mabel) going out with?
haha i think she's single but she lives with BGR (big giant and round), her fake but real dog

8. What does 1(colin) do for a living?
studying in taylors

9. Would you live with number 3 (weishernl)?
i'll kill myself..hahah xD

10. What do you like about number 2(joanne) ?
oh okay...this is a hard question. hahaha!! she's bubbly, fun, a very good friend, and a very good secret keeper ^^

11. Do you miss number 5(sarah) ?
yes of course, and everyone else =)

12. What’s your opinion of number 2(joanne) ?
weird, mata sepet

13. What's your favorite memory with number 5(sarah) ?

14. What would you do if number 1 and 2 were going out(colin and joanne)?
they'll both get murdered by people from the same place hahaha =)))))

15. Ever had a long conversation with 5(sarah) ?

16. Have you ever slept at 2's house(joanne)?
she din invite me =[

17. Do you hang out with 3 a lot(weishern)?
not as much as last time

18. Who have you known the longest?
between colin and weishern, i dunno!

19. How often do you talk to 1(colin) ?
quite often

20. What about 2(joanne) ?

21. Have you ever thought 3 more than a friend(weishern)?
hahahah sounds so weird but ya (no its nothing to do with gay issue)

22. Would you go out for a date with 5( sarah)?
ask me out! ask me out!..hahaha

23. Do you dream about 2(joanne) ?
yeap, NIGHTMARES!!! hahaha

24. What did no 4 did to you that you can never forget(mabel)?
the little gift from evangel =)..thank you so much!

25. What's 3 hobby(weishern)?
he likes sports, eating, sleeping, getting fat

i tag :
anyone who wants to do it
but before you go
cheeck this out!!
i love this song so much ^^

Monday, April 21, 2008

the weeks ago, and now

Been spiritually and physically down these few days. i've made mistakes, really silly mistakes. I could only ask for forgiveness and try my best to pull myself up again. I know i should, but believe me, its not easy. Not at all. If you were in my shoes then you would understand why. Right now i just want to sit longer with my Father in Heaven, i want to really listen to Him, i want to hear every word He has to say, I'm dying for answers, i'm longing for strength to keep going on.

Yes i know God can change people when they fall, when they fail. haih..guess letting go and letting God should be the way. HELP!

physically hurt because i'm suffering from herpes. As far as i know, its a virus that stays in the body after chicken pox. It attacks when your immune system is down. Haven't been sleeping well last week, thats y i think i got it. its NOT STD!! haha..dun simply think like britannia.

It spreaded all over my left hand including 2 fingers now, nope not gonna show u'll a picture of it, its seriously very bad and ugly. Cant hold fork now, cant sleep properly. Eventhough not applying pressure it still hurts. Getting worse by the day. Today its starting to itch in several places. Please, need your prayers. Thanks.

Took driving lesson today, mati engine like 10 times..haha, yea laugh all u want, your time will come or u already experienced it =P

Monday, April 7, 2008

tag tag

okay i decided to ignore that i was tagged by mabel and decided to do was so long ago

Real name: Kelsern
Nickname: kelso, serny, sern, ke sern, bunny, energizer, shorty, stunted, Triple H (haha), lamer and some which you guys know and i won't reveal (theres really a lot) =)
Married: yeaps
Male/Female: male
High school: acs klang forever!
Short or long hair: not too long
Are you a health freak: umm not really, no
Height: last time I measured-170cm
Do you have a crush on someone?: you bet =)
Do you like yourself?: yes
Piercings: belly button (no i'm joking)
Righty or lefty: do i have a right and left belly button?hahah

[First ..]
Surgery: nope
Piercing: nope
Person you see in the morning: myself in the mirror
Award: cant remember..real young
Sport you joined: badminton too!! xD
Pet: Hamster (kayaball was mine, snowball was my brother's)
Vacation: africa
Concert: Planet shakers
First crush: in africa, when i was 7 or 8

Eating: nothing
Drinking: juice recently
I'm about to: sleep
Want to get married: at first no..but then, =)) i dunno..
Careers in mind: psychologist, deejay, tourist
Lips or eyes?: eyes
Hugs or kisses?: hugs..i love hugs much more than kisses..probably because i haven't kissed anyone yet, but still i will always prefer hugs i think
Shorter or taller?: same height, a little taller i dun mind, a little shorter i dun mind..does it really matter?=]
Romantic or spontaneous?: hmm..
Sensitive or loud?: loud, not sensitive..i've learnt in the past not to be sensitive
Troublemaker or hesitant?: troublemaker

[Have you ever...]
Kissed a stranger: nope
Drank bubbles: yup..when i was taste bitter obviously
Lost glasses/contacts: nope
Ran away from home: nope
Liked someone younger: yesh
Liked someone older: yesh..but it was just a stupid crush..was never serious about it
Broke someone's heart: i really don't know..i think i might've
Been arrested: nope
Cried when someone died: yea

[Do you believe in...]
Yourself: yeah
Miracles: of course
Heaven: definitely
Santa Claus: nonsence
Magic: yes
Angels: woohoo!
Is there someone you want to be with right now?: hahas =]
God?: u kidding me? i live for Him!

hands currently feel like just falling off..did so much typing..most of the things you do on the comp is typing..and plus the articles that i'm typing..makes it quadruple the pain in my left foot still aches when i bend it in certain directions, advised to go urut cause its been there for more than a first i thought there was something broken in there..anyway God for the amazing and surprising things He did through me last week..cant post about it, it might be personal..thats it

Friday, April 4, 2008

Mangosteens - your face shows it all

this is the first article i typed for the bethany bugle 100th issue. Yeap, i'm helping to type out lots of articles for my church's 100th booklet, this issue is very special cause..its the 100th issue lah..haha..anyway, take time to read this article. Was really touched by it. Don't let the length scare you, just read it cause i promise it'll be of good use to you. By the way the article was written by Mr.William Doraisamy.

Do you know that the fruit mangosteen is known as ‘garcinia mangostana’ in Latin? It is also known as ‘mangook’ in the Thai language, ‘san jook’ in Cantonese and ‘mangostina’ in Spanish. You may also be interested to know that it is the facourite fruit of the ‘orang utan’ and many of you!

The mangosteen tree takes more than ten years before it starts to fruit. I did not know this until recently when the tree I planted behind my house started to fruit. It was truly exciting when I peeped out through the shutters of my dining room and saw, for the first time, little berry-shaped fruits hiding between the leaves. I rushed and shouted with excitement that the tree had finally borne fruit. Painstakingly I counted and there were more than a hundred of them.

This reminded me of my childhood days when mangosteens were aplenty and grew almost everywhere. It was then that I learnt something many people do not know even today. On top of the fruit is a brown flower-shaped protrusion. The number of petals of this ‘flower’ indicate the number of pulps inside the fruit. If there are five petals, then the fruit has five pulps. We used to look for fruits with four and eight petals because these are rare.

Isn’t it interesting that what is outside the fruit indicates what is inside it? This often shows what we are like too. Our countenance displays quite clearly what we are inside.

When Moses came down from Mount Sinai, after receiving the two tablets of the ten commandments from God, his face was radiant because he had spoken with God. (Exodus 34:29) . He did not realize this but his presence with God had done something in his heart and mind that expressed itself on his face. There are some important lessons that we learn from this as we consider our place in the church.

The Christian who has truly communicated with God in prayer will show a difference in his or her countenance. There will be the expression of joy after being in the presence of the almighty and holy God. This is because only a few have this privilege of entering boldly into the presence of God. Jesus, through the shedding of His precious blood, has cleansed us, sanctified us and justified us to enter into the courts of God. When we come out of the courts of God, our minds should feel refreshed and our spirits as a family. The effectiveness of any worship meeting is seen in the conversation we engage in immediately after the meeting. What do we talk about? How do we look? Sometimes of course, it is possible that we rise after the worship meeting bleary-eyed because the speaker has more or less led us into a peaceful slumber. How many people wish they could sleep with their eyes open when the speaker is speaking so that no one would notice that they are in dreamland!

Our faces should also show our confidence in God. Moses had to cover his face with a cloth because it shone so brightly. But that did not deter him from telling the people what the Lord had commanded. The glow on his face indicated the confidence and the courage he had in his heart. He was able to face a rebellious nation and command them to obey God. After we have met with God, we should have the confidence to face all life’s challenges. We should be able to stand in the midst of turmoil and display peace and stability. People who see us should realize that God is with us and there is no need for us to look despondent or discouraged.

Our faces should also show that the cares of the world, the disappointments and failures in life do not affect our standing with God and our participation in the service of God. These ‘drawbacks’ are part and parcel of life. Sometimes we are disappointed with people. Sometimes leaders may not be what we expect them to be. Sometimes people we lead may fall out of line. A sullen face or a face that shows dramatic mood changes is an indication that we cannot trust God to fulfill His will in and through us. It is an indication that we doubt God’s ability to bring us out seemingly difficult situations. We must believe that with God, nothing is impossible. The vilest sinner can be made whole. The heaviest burden can be made light. The deepest and darkest valley of despair can open up in the light of God’s glory. So, why should we feel discouraged? Why should our faces show that there is no hope?

In extreme conditions, the Christian shows the rare gift of inward strength and peace. Are we like the mangosteens which have the four or eight petals? Are we that rare breed of people who have the power of God within and unconsciously, like Moses, display it? Whatever we have, our faces certainly show it